Rat genome database

The Rat Genome Database (also known as RGD) is a collection of genetic and genomic information on the rat. [1] Development and maintenance of RGD began in 1995 and is funded by the United States National Institutes of Health and hosted at the Medical College of Wisconsin. [2] The rat is a major model organism for the study of human disease, which has prompted the development of a "Disease Portal", in association with RGD. The Bioinformatics Research Center was originally founded by Dr Peter Tonellato. A number of other significant projects have spawned globally from this project and lead to global collaboration across multiple countries. One such tool of significance is GBrowse by Lincoln Stein, which is an open-source web interface to genome project databases. [3] [4] It was revealed that rats share about 90% of human genes.



Data types


Database Information

The genomic sequence is available under accession numbers AABR03000000 to AABR03137910 in the international sequence databases (GenBank, DDBJ and EMBL).

Web traffic


  1. ^ Shimoyama, Mary, et al (2005 Oct-Dec). Using Multiple Ontologies to Integrate Complex Biological Data Comp Funct Genomics. 6(7-8): 373–378.
  2. ^ Aitman, T, et al. (2008 May) A community view of progress and prospects in rat genetics Nat Genet.
  3. ^ Donlin, M. (2007, March) The Bioperl toolkit: Perl modules for the life sciences Curr Protoc Bioinformatics.
  4. ^ Stein LD et al. (2002) The generic genome browser: a building block for a model organism system database. Genome Res 12: 1599-610